Every child deserves an opportunity to discover and reset their athletic potential. Ethic Sports Performance believes the heart of our Long-Term Athletic Development program to be ENGAGEMENT. Our staff understands the need to bridge disciplined coaching with a fun environment that catalyzes love for fitness, movement and strength training. During our sixty-minute small group or team training sessions, youth athletes (5th to 8th grade) will be led by an Ethic Performance Coach and exposed to qualities and skills such as: 

·       Speed

·       Core/Hip Stability

·       Mobility

·       Agility/Change of Direction 

·       Strength (Bodyweight, Isometric) 

·       Coordination/ Body Awareness

·       Functional Movement Patterns 

Youth training requires a community to help foster positive, lasting behaviors. Foundational movement skills create depth for athletic development and resilience. Variability creates breadth. Our staff creates discipline within the set. Each rep matters. Most importantly, mom and dad need to be on board to help carry out Ethic’s Athlete Creed the other 166 hours each week.